Find local trade schools near Sumter, SC. and online technical colleges with accredited certificate training classes, associate, and bachelor’s degree programs. Career training options include skilled trade and college programs like PT assistant, medical assistant, clinical massage therapy, and healthcare IT.
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Trade Schools & Technical Colleges Near Sumter, SC.
The Sumter, SC. area trade schools and online colleges listed here are accredited and have financial aid assistance for students who qualify.
- Southeastern College – Columbia, SC 29210
- Miller Motte College – Columbia, SC 29203
Online Schools
These schools offer training to recent high school graduates, adults, and military veterans. Some schools have hybrid classroom-online programs or evening/weekend schedule options.
Sumter, SC. Skilled Trade and College Programs
Choose from accredited certification training classes and diploma programs near Sumter, SC. that take from six weeks to one year to complete. Two year associate’s degree and four year bachelor’s degree college programs are also available. Some program choices include:
Skilled Trade, Medical, and Other College Programs
- Medical Assistant
- Medical Billing and Coding
- Pharmacy Technician
- Massage Therapy
- Nursing
- Information Technology
- Healthcare IT
- Cybersecurity
- Criminal Justice
- Business Management
- Accounting
- Marketing
- HVAC Technology
- CDL Truck Driver
All programs may not be available in Sumter, use the search application to find programs available near you.
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