Licensed Massage Therapist Programs

Find a trade school or technical college with accredited licensed massage therapist (LMT) training programs. Classes may take as few as 3-6 months to complete but it’s more common for an LMT program to take 6-8 months.

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Schools with Massage Therapy Programs

All listed colleges are accredited and offer financial aid assistance to those students who qualify.

How much do licensed massage therapist courses cost?

“With massage therapy school averaging between 500-600 hours, the bottom line cost of the education is approximate $6,000-$10,000 before the necessary school supplies are purchased. If you go to a community college, the cost of the course runs on par with the school’s tuition per credit hour, but private massage therapy schools will have different prices. Massage therapy school prices can range anywhere between $6-$17 per hour of class time with an average of $9-$10/hour of education.”

How long is Massage Therapy training?

LMT training takes between 330-1,000 hours to complete, with an average of 600 hours. That normally translates into 6-8 months.

Prerequisites for Massage Therapist Training

To be eligible to attend massage therapy school, you must be a minimum of 16 years of age and either be a high school graduate or have a GED.
