Social Work Degree

Find a social work degree program at a local or accredited online college. Listed schools all encourage military vet’s to apply, all have financial aid assistance for those who qualify and most have services like job placement too.

“You will need extensive educational training if you expect to work in the field. Entry-level social workers need a bachelor’s degree in social work. Clinical social workers must have a master’s degree and two years of post-master experience in a supervised clinical setting. Clinical social workers must also be licensed in the state in which they practice.”

All programs are not available in all locations, use the search application to see your local options.

“Your social working duties may look a little different depending on what you’ve specialized in and what type you are, but there are some things that are common across the board.

Common Duties of a clinical (micro) social worker:

  • Watch the behavior of your patient
  • Evaluate the need
  • Create a treatment process
  • Diagnose their disorder
  • Consult with other medical professionals
  • Meet with the patient’s family to discuss the plan

Common duties of a direct (macro) social worker:

  • Find those in need
  • Aid them in dealing with their everyday issues
  • Be their advocate
  • Refer clients to resources available in the community
  • Work in both public and private institutions”[ref]

Colleges with Courses like Social Work

The schools listed are accredited and the type of accreditation is noted on each schools’s page.

Steps from student to social worker:

  • You’ll need to get your bachelor’s degree. It should take four years going full time to graduate. You do not need a bachelor’s in social work to go on and get a master’s, by the way. If you do have a BSW, you can work in the direct side (macro) of the field where you can be a caseworker or an assistant to mental health professionals.
  • Find an internship with a hospital, mental health clinic, or a related environment where you can get first-hand experience.
  • It only takes an additional two years to get a Master’s of Social Work (MSW), and it’s highly recommended that anyone going into social work take this step. The first year of the master’s program is all coursework, and the second year is fieldwork. If you choose to specialize, you’ll need an additional 900 hours spent in that field.
  • Each state has its own requirements when it comes to licensing for social workers. One thing is certain, getting licensed is a necessary measure if you plan on practicing your field. There is a licensing exam for those with a bachelor’s degree, and one for a master’s degree. There is also a 170-question competency exam that the Association of Social Work Board gives, geared toward licensing levels.”[ref]
