Medical Billing Programs

Find local trade schools or online technical colleges with accredited medical billing certificate or associate’s degree programs. Use the search application to connect with a school or online program.

Schools with Medical Billing Programs

The trade schools and colleges listed here are accredited and have financial aid assistance for students who qualify.

All colleges are not listed here, use the search application to find your local options.

Schools with Online Medical Billing Programs

What does a medical biller do? A medical biller has three parts to their job: creating claims, transaction reports, and patient billing. A medical biller will be skillful at helping all parties involved navigate the murky waters of laws, regulations, and guidelines.

Difference between medical billing & coding

  • Medical billers assign codes and insurance information and insert them into the billing software.
  • Medical coders decipher the documents written by the doctors or nurses and apply the appropriate procedure codes.
