Getting a Federal Loan for Trade School

Getting a Federal Loan for Trade School

Federal Student loans can help cover the cost of trade school or college but they must be repaid. Two US Department of Education loans are The William D. Ford Federal Direct Loan Program and The Federal Stafford Loan. The Federal Stafford Loan offered by the...
What Does a Motorcycle Mechanic Do?

What Does a Motorcycle Mechanic Do?

Motorcycle mechanics are technically classified as a small engines mechanics, but they specialize in motorcycles. Mopeds, motorcycles, dirt bikes, and ATVs are mostly what come into repair shops. Motorcycle mechanics may work for a dealership or have their own place....
What is Technical Drafting?

What is Technical Drafting?

Technical drafting is also referred to as technical drawing. It’s a drawing that is used to represent an idea or plan detailing the process of how to carry it out. Like technical writing, technical drafting leaves no room for imagination; it visually spells things out...
What Does a First Responder Do?

What Does a First Responder Do?

What does a first responder do? Emergency medical technicians and paramedics are considered first responders. When there is any type of emergency needing medical assistance, you’ll be one of the first to the scene, along with firefighters and police if the emergency...
11 Popular Trade School Programs

11 Popular Trade School Programs

Learn about some of the most popular trade school programs including those geared toward earning a license, certificate, diploma, or degree. These programs were chosen based on the thousands of students who use our program search application. See the full list of...
What Does a Medical Assistant Do?

What Does a Medical Assistant Do?

Certified medical assistants work under a variety of medical personnel in a healthcare facilities like hospitals, medical centers, or doctor’s offices. Depending on what you were hired in for, you’ll be working with patients and their families taking vitals, using the...