The ASE H-7 transit bus heating, ventilation, and air conditioning practice exam will test your, you guessed it, transit bus HVAC knowledge.
You passed!
Did not pass but that’s what the study guide is for. Read it and come on back!
#1. High A/C discharge pressure can be caused by:
an overcharged system is correct
#2. A technician cannot get a transit bus A/C system to take a refrigerant charge. Which of these could be the cause?
Suction service valve not mid-seated is correct
#3. Removing refrigerant from a system and storing it in a separate container is considered to be:
recovering is correct
#4. An operator says that the HVAC system is not cooling properly. Air is blowing from the vents on one side of the transit bus only. This could be caused by:
one evaporator fan drive coupling is broken is correct
#5. Repeated A/C system high pressure hose failures can be caused by:
incorrect hose installation is correct
#6. Both the suction-side and discharge-side pressures are above normal. This could be caused by:
a dirty condenser core is correct
#7. Before being recharged, an A/C system should be evacuated to:
500 to 1500 microns for 10 minutes is correct
#8. Reusable refrigerant cylinders must be hydrostatically tested every:
5 years is correct
#9. An operator complains of a coolant smell while running the defroster. Which of these could be the cause?
A leak in the defroster core is correct
#10. A transit bus has thrown its A/C compressor drive belts for the second time. Any of these could be the cause EXCEPT:
excessive air gap at the A/C clutch armature is correct
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The ASE H7 exam will test you on the diagnosis and repair of transit bus A/C System, compressor and clutch, evaporator, condenser, heating and engine cooling systems, HVAC operating systems, HVAC electrical/electronic systems, and the electronic temperature control system.
This is not an official test it is a practice test based on the official study guide. Use it for entertainment purposes only.