ASE A3 Manual Drive Train & Axles Practice Test

Help study for your auto mechanic certification exams with our ASE A-3 manual drive train and axle practice test. Find a mechanic school near you.


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correct answers:

1. too much main shaft end play

2. a worn clutch disc facing

3. B only

4. A and B

5. neither A nor B

6. side gear clearance

7. both a and b

8. weak pressure plate springs

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correct answers:

1. too much main shaft end play

2. a worn clutch disc facing

3. B only

4. A and B

5. neither A nor B

6. side gear clearance

7. both a and b

8. weak pressure plate springs

#1. A manual transmission slips out of high gear. Which of these could be the cause?

the correct answer is too much main shaft end play

#2. In a vehicle with a single-plate clutch, loss of free pedal can be caused by:

the correct answer is a worn clutch disc facing

#3. A four-speed, fully synchronized transmission has a clunking or knocking noise in first and reverse only. Technician A says that a broken tooth on the clutch (input) gear could be the cause. Technician B says that a broken tooth on the counter (cluster) gear could be the cause. Who is right?

the correct answer is B only

#4. A manual transaxle makes a clunking noise on acceleration and on deceleration. Technician A says that a loose differential case pinion shaft could be the cause. Technician B says that worn CV joints could be the cause. Who is right?

the correct answer is Both A and B

#5. Technician A says that the set-up shown can be used to check pinion-to-ring gear preload. Technician B says that the set-up shown can be used to check pinion flange nut torque. Who is right?

#6. Which of these is the technician measuring in the illustration shown?

the correct answer is side gear clearance

#7. A four-wheel drive vehicle vibrates while the front axle is engaged. Technician A says that a failed front axle shaft CV joint could be the cause. Technician B says that different front and rear tire diameters could be the cause. Who is right?

the correct answer is both A and B

#8. The clutch does not release fully when the pedal is pushed to the floor. Any of these could be the cause EXCEPT:

the correct answer is weak pressure plate springs



Includes questions to test your knowledge of the diagnosis and repair of the clutch, transmission, transaxle, drive shaft/half-shaft and universal CV joint, drive axle and 4 wheel/all wheel drive components. On the official test you’ll also need to know about ring and pinion gears, differential case/carrier assembly, limited slip/locking differential, axle shafts and housing.

Next test: ASE A4 Suspension and Steering Practice Test


This is not an official test it is a practice test based on the official study guide. Use it for entertainment purposes only.