Acupuncture Degree Programs

Trade schools, medical schools and technical colleges with acupuncture degree courses. Not all schools listed have acupuncture courses, use the search application for the quickest results.

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Schools with Medical Programs


How to Become an Acupuncturist

  • Get your high school diploma or GED.
  • Complete a bachelor’s degree program with a focus on a science such as biology, psychology, or neurology.
  • Get a master’s degree in acupuncture. There are a few programs accredited by the Accreditation Commission for Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine located throughout the U.S.
  • Partake in a clinical internship.
  • Get licensed by your state board. Each state has its own requirements; be sure to find out yours.
  • Find employment. Many acupuncturists are self employed and take physician referrals.

Salary and Job Outlook: The typical median salary for an acupuncturist is more than $74K. However, salaries fall between $39K and $136K. There isn’t a job outlook statistic specific to acupuncture. The closest to this career would be chiropractors, whose industry will experience a 10 percent increase in job growth through 2026.
