Civil Engineering Degree Programs

Find trade schools and technical colleges with accredited classroom or online civil engineering degree programs. Use the search application to get program information from a school near you.

Civil Engineering Training: You’ll be taking a lot of math, statistics, engineering, and computer courses. There will be a mixture of classroom work, lab work, and field study involved.

Colleges with Engineering Programs

All listed colleges are accredited and have financial aid assistance if you qualify.

Civil engineering education requirements: The minimum requirement for a civil engineering job is a bachelor’s degree. However, you may only find entry level positions because employers are beginning to prefer hiring those with an advanced degree.

Civil Engineers Job Description: “Civil engineers can be found in both the public and private sectors. If you choose the civil engineering path, you’ll plan, design, construct, research, and teach. Infrastructures will be repaired or created by you. Bridges, dams, roads, water systems, and airports are on your to-do list.
