Find an accredited court reporter training program at a local college or online technical school. All listed colleges are accredited and offer financial aid assistance to those who qualify.
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Colleges with Court Reporter Programs
- Miller Motte College
- Fortis
- Vista College
- Sullivan University
- Institute of Technology
- New England Institute of Technology
- Miami Jacobs
- Northwestern College
- South College
- ECPI University
- Ashland University
- UEI College
- Remington College
- Daymar College
- Southern Technical Institute
Find a course in court reporting from a technical college near you. Online, accelerated and hybrid (classroom/online) class options are available at some schools.
How long does it take to become a court reporter?
- It takes six months for court reporters to receive a certificate from a trade school court reporting program and two years of an associate’s degree.
Are online court reporter courses available?
- Online courses are not only available for court reporting but perfectly acceptable, as well.
Do court reporters need to be licensed?
- Some states require their court reporters to be licensed which means you may need to become a notary public. The National Court Reporting Association (NCRA) offers licenses and another options…”