ASE A2 Automatic Transmission/Transaxle Practice Test

This A-2 ASE Automatic Transmission/Transaxle Practice Test is designed to challenge and expand your knowledge of mechanical and hydraulic systems. While this practice test focuses on these areas, the official ASE test will go further, covering electronic systems, in-vehicle and off-vehicle transmission/transaxle, as well as topics like transmission removal, installation, disassembly, assembly, and more.



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correct answers:

1. A only

2. failed torque converter

3. low line pressure

4. throttle position sensor

5. perform an air pressure test

6. pump bushing

7. using a scan tool

8. clutch

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correct answers:

1. A only

2. failed torque converter

3. low line pressure

4. throttle position sensor

5. perform an air pressure test

6. pump bushing

7. using a scan tool

8. clutch

#1. An automatic transmission does not hold in PARK. Technician A says that misadjusted shift linkage could be the cause. Technician B says that a roller clutch installed backwards could be the cause. Who is right?

The correct answer is A only

#2. A vehicle with an automatic transaxle and a properly tuned engine accelerates poorly from a stop. Acceleration is normal above 35 mph. Which of these could be the cause?

The correct answer is a failed torque converter

#3. The transmission slips when cold. Which of these could be the cause?

the correct answer is low line pressure

#4. The automatic transaxle upshifts harshly during normal acceleration. The cause could be a failed:

the correct answer is throttle position sensor

#5. With the transmission pan removed, the best way to pin-point an oil pressure leak is to:

the correct answer is perform an air pressure test

#6. A vehicle with an OBD II computer system has stored transmission trouble codes. After repairs are completed, the trouble codes should be cleared by:

the correct answer is using a scan tool

#7. Too much automatic transmission shaft end play could be caused by any of these EXCEPT a worn:

the answer is clutch


Next test: ASE A3 Manual Drive Train & Axles Practice Test


This is not an official test. Use it for entertainment purposes only.