11 Trade Certifications You Can Earn at Trade School

In this article we’ve compiled a list of certificate programs that are common at trade schools across the country. While no skilled trade or medical career is ‘easy’ to master, these trade certifications can be completed relatively quickly, especially when compared to a 4 year degree. A certificate program can help you get your foot in the door of the field of your choice. Jump to the list of certificate programs.

A certificate from an accredited school can help qualify you for an entry level job, though for some careers on this list you’ll need to earn State certification too. Here’s a list of 11 certificate programs available at our partner trade schools and colleges.

11 Trade Certifications Available at Trade Schools

  1. HVAC Technician – HVAC tech certificate training programs offer a quick way of learning HVAC fundamentals. These programs can be from 30 to 45 credit hours and normally take from 4 to 10 months to complete. These HVAC programs include courses in safety, motors and controls, and HVAC electronics.
  2. Dental Assistant – A dental assisting certificate program will train you for entry level work in a dental office, where you’ll perform tasks in support of dentists and dental hygienists. Your job description could include preparing patients for cleanings or procedures, sterilizing equipment, and maintaining patient records. Read dental assisting certificate vs degree programs for an interesting comparison.
  3. Welding – Welding certificate training programs focus on practical welding concepts like oxy-fuel welding, cutting, and pipe welding. These welding programs introduce students to welding fundamentals quickly, and a certificate will look good on your entry level welder job application. A welder certificate training program can take as little as 7 months for a full time student to complete.
  4. Medical Assistant – A medical assisting certificate program will prepare you for a healthcare career that includes administrative and clinical duties. As a medical assistant you’ll work with doctors and nurses to assist in patient care. Find a medical assisting program now.
  5. Pharmacy Technician –  During a pharmacy technician certificate training program you’ll learn to assist pharmacists with receiving and confirming prescription orders, assembling medicines, and providing information to patients about medications. Learn more about what a pharmacy technician does.
  6. Automotive Technology – On average, automotive technology certificate courses will prepare you for an entry-level job in 7-10 months. During an automotive tech program you’ll learn about transmissions, brake systems, engine theory and quite a bit more.
  7. Vocational Nursing – Certificate programs in vocational nursing will train you to help patients with basic hygiene, monitor vital signs, and provide preliminary nursing care. A vocational nurse’s job description will also include giving emotional support to patients, so you have to have to be caring and compassionate.
  8. Medical Billing and Coding – Through a medical billing and coding program, you’ll learn to complete medical billing forms and file medical insurance claims. You’ll also learn the practical application of CPT-4, ICD-10, and HCPCS codes. Search for a medical billing and coding school near you.
  9. Electrical – Electrical certification programs have core classes focusing almost entirely on electrical concepts. These electrical programs are built to be fast and focused, so you can be ready to add this certificate to your resume in as few as 10 months.
  10. Physical Therapy Technician – A PT tech program will teach you to work under the supervision of physical therapists. You’ll help patients regain movement and manage pain as they recover from injury. Part of your job description may include cleaning equipment, washing linens, and scheduling patients. Find an accredited PT technician program now.
  11. Healthcare Administration – A certificate program in healthcare administration will prepare you for an entry level position in a medical office.  You will be greeting patients, managing electronic health records, and ensuring the office operates efficiently. You could go on to earn a diploma or a degree in this field.

Follow the links to learn a lot more about these careers. If you think earning a certificate at a trade school program is a good choice for you, find a trade school near you.

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Stephen James Hall: Stephen has written hundreds of articles about skilled trade and technical careers over the last 7 years. He works as a Director at Career Now Brands, but he previously worked for many years in the skilled trades as a carpenter, in historical preservation, and then as a construction manager.
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