Wind/Solar Energy Technician Degree

Find an accredited wind or solar energy technician program near you. Local trade schools and online technical colleges listed on this site are accredited and have financial aid assistance for those who qualify.

Classroom, online and hybrid program options are available at some schools, use the search application to find one near you.

What is an energy technician?

An energy technician, aka renewable energy technician, services the mechanisms that convert the renewable sources into energy. What their specific duties, type of training, and tools they work with depend on which type of energy technician field they enter. The most popular, and fastest growing, are wind energy technician and solar energy technician, which are two of our greatest forms of renewable energy.

Energy Technician Salary Info

Wind energy technician salary information: median is over $56,000, with the top 10 percent earning more than $77,000.

Solar energy technician salary information: median salary is over $47,000, with the top 10 percent making over $72,000.
