Vintage Auto Restoration Training Courses

Technical Colleges and Vocational Schools with Vintage Automobile Restoration training programs. A Vintage Auto Restoration technician handles every aspect of vintage auto repair from the cost estimate and sourcing parts to matching old paints and fabricating parts that are too costly or simply can’t be found.

Specialized technical training also available for Auto Body Repair, Diesel, Marine, Motorcycle and Aircraft Mechanics. Classroom, online and hybrid (classroom/online) course options are available at most schools.

Vocational Technical Schools with Collision Repair Training

ICCC Vocational & Technical Classes (Fort Dodge)

NEIT Vocational Technical Courses (Warwick, RI)

UTI Mechanics Technology Courses (USA)

NYADI Auto-Tech/Diesel/Collision Classes (NY)

Lincoln Tech Vocational Courses (across US)

Remington College Vocational Courses (across US)

AAI Trade & Technical Classes (Glendale AZ)

PCI Electrician/Mechanic/HVAC Classes (New England)

Find online vocational training in the vintade auto restoration field from a top technical college.

Online Trade School Courses