Find an auto body repair technician program at a trade school or technical college near you. Take a college program and learn every aspect of auto repair from cost estimate and major repairs all the way down to making sure the headlights are working. You will learn standards compliance and the ability to recognize slight product differences between different manufacturers.
Use the program search application to connect with a school.
Trade Schools with Mechanic Programs
Listed schools are accredited and have financial aid assistance for students who qualify.
- Universal Technical Institute
- Arizona Automotive Institute
- Porter & Chester Institute
- UEI College
- Carrington College
- Tidewater Tech
- WyoTech
- Lincoln Tech
- National Aviation Academy
Tips About Becoming a Mechanic
- If you’re still in high school, take auto repair, electronics, and math to prepare. Trade schools require a high school diploma or GED.
- Go to a trade school or community college and enroll in their mechanics program. Get that degree to become fully qualified as an auto mechanic.
- Get as many ASE certifications as you can, especially those related to your specialization.
Potential employers prefer their mechanics to have had a higher level of training from a trade school or community college. But I guess you already know that and that’s why you’re here.
Read: Becoming A Mechanic