Cybersecurity Degree Programs

Find an accredited cybersecurity associate or bachelor’s degree program near you. Take college courses and learn to keep computers and online information protected from cyber attacks and other malware threats.

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Colleges with Cybersecurity Programs

All listed schools are accredited and offer financial aid assistance to those who qualify.

All colleges may not be listed here, use the search application to find your local or online program options.

Steps to Becoming a Cyber Security Professional

  • Get your high school diploma or GED.
  • Enroll in a college and earn an associate’s or bachelor’s degree in cybersecurity or another computer-related field.
  • Find an entry level job as a network and systems administrator or in customer service support, to build your experience level.
  • Earn certifications, even though they are voluntary. Being certified is highly regarded by some hiring managers.
  • After gaining enough experience look for a more advanced position, such as information security analyst.
