C.R. England is a trucking company that has CDL training and job placement services for Class A tractor trailer drivers. Truck driver training school locations include Texas, Indiana, Utah & South Carolina.
Use the program search application to connect with a CDL school near you.
CDL Truck Driver Classes
- Class-A Commercial Driver’s License (as few as 21-days)
Job Placement – Types of jobs offered
- Dedicated: customer service, regular route
- Regional: home and road life, regular routes
- National: countrywide, competitive pay
- Local: home daily, flexible schedule
CDL Training Locations
- 321 Tech Dr. Burns Harbor, IN 46304
- 1230 S Highway 67, Cedar Hill, TX 75104
- 4701 2100 South, Salt Lake City, UT 84120
- 289 Access Road, Spartanburg, SC 29303