ASE A5 Brakes Mechanic Practice Test

Achieving proficiency in automotive brake systems is essential for any skilled mechanic. Our ASE A5 Brakes Mechanic Practice Test is designed to assess your knowledge of common brake system repairs and maintenance tasks.



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correct answers:

1. internal master cylinder leak

2. metering valve

3. neither a nor b

4. excessive rotor turnout

5. replace the rotor

6. replace the leaking line with double-flared steel tubing.

7. failed master cylinder

8. neither a nor b

Well, that’s why I added a link to the study guide 🙂

correct answers:

1. internal master cylinder leak

2. metering valve

3. neither a nor b

4. excessive rotor turnout

5. replace the rotor

6. replace the leaking line with double-flared steel tubing.

7. failed master cylinder

8. neither a nor b

#1. The brake pedal on a vehicle with power-assisted disc/drum brakes moves slowly to the floor during braking. Which of these could be the cause?

#2. On a vehicle with disc/drum brakes, the front brakes grab quickly when light pedal pressure is applied. This could be caused by a failed:

#3. On a vehicle with single piston, floating caliper disc brakes, the brake pad against the piston is badly worn. The other brake pad is only slightly worn. Technician A says that too much rotor runout could be the cause. Technician B says that a frozen caliper piston could be the cause. Who is right?

#4. When the brakes are applied, a vibration comes from the front of a vehicle with a disc/drum system. Which of these could be the cause?

the correct answer is excessive rotor runout

#5. A front disc brake rotor is slightly below minimum thickness specification after machining. The technician should:

the correct answer is replace the rotor

#6. A hydraulic brake line is leaking. Which of these is the correct repair?

the correct answer is replace the leaking line with double-flared steel tubing.

#7. The drag on a vehicle’s drum brakes increases after each application until they lock up. Bleeding the system restores normal operation for a short time; then drag increases until the brakes lock up again. Which of these could be the cause?

the correct answer is failed master cylinder

#8. With the brakes applied, the pedal moves down slightly when the engine is started on a vehicle with power brakes. Technician A says that a leaking power brake booster diaphragm could be the cause. Technician B says that a stuck-closed brake booster vacuum check valve could be the cause. Who is right?


By completing this practice test, you can evaluate your understanding and readiness for the official ASE certification exam.

Next test: ASE A6 Electrical/Electronic System Practice Test


This is not an official test. Use it for entertainment purposes only.