What Does An Esthetician Do? Estheticians are commonly known as ‘skincare therapists’ and clients visit their skincare therapist in order to get healthier skin. Estheticians use their knowledge of techniques, equipment, and products to help their clients achieve younger, firmer, clearer skin.

As an esthetician, you’ll be working in a spa, salon, resorts, dermatologist office, and other medical facilities. To achieve the skin results your clientele are looking for, you will:

  • Inspect and evaluate the skin.
  • Let the client know what type of treatments you recommend.
  • Use a variety of tools and treatments to eliminate unwanted hairs.
  • Promote or recommend a line of skincare products which can also be used as an add-on sale tactic.
  • Educate your client on how to use the products, or how to take care of their skin in a more general way.
  • If you notice serious skin problems, such as suspicious markings, then refer to a medical doctor.
  • Make sure your work area is clean and sterile.
  • If you own your own business, you’ll also do the hiring and firing, along with administrative and managing duties.
  • You will know how to provide facials, acne treatments, microdermabrasion, chemical peels, body wraps, facial masks and scrubs. You may also be able to do makeup application, and airbrush tanning.

Sound good? Find a local esthetician school.

How To Become An Esthetician

Each state has its own set requirements you must fulfill to legally work as an esthetician. When you’re looking for a cosmetology school, make sure it’s accredited; if it’s not, it could affect your ability to become licensed. Here’s what you need to do to become an esthetician:

  • Get your high school diploma or GED.
  • Many states have an age minimum of 16-17.
  • Choose a state-approved cosmetology school or esthetician program.
  • You’ll go to school somewhere between 250-1500 hours, with the average for the esthetician program being 600 hours.
  • You’ll learn the science and anatomy of skin, basic chemistry, skin analysis, skincare theory, and how to perform all the basic procedures such as facials, waxing, aromatherapy, makeup application, and other school offerings.
  • Continuing education may be required to keep your license active
  • Many product manufacturers may also offer training for product promotion.
  • Find a paid apprenticeship, which can last from a few months to a couple of years.
  • Work as full-fledged esthetician.

How Much Money An Esthetician Makes

The average hourly wage for skincare specialists was $16.39 in May 2019. The lowest 10% earned about $9.85 per hour, and the highest 10% earned over $30.07 per hour. (source: BLS)

Esthetician Jobs Projections

Employment of skincare specialists is projected to grow 11% between now and 2028, that’s much faster than the average for all occupations. (source: BLS)

People are living longer; they are wanting to maintain a youthful look, so they are enlisting the help of estheticians to keep their skin healthy. To meet this growing demand, more and more spas and salons are opening across the country. With the proper licensing and having some related experience, you should be very employable in your chosen career.
