Veterinary Assistant Programs

Find trade schools and technical colleges with accredited veterinary assistant certification training classes and associate’s degree programs. Schools have financial aid assistance for those who qualify and some offer night and weekend classes or other part-time scheduling options.

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Schools with Veterinary Assistant Programs

All listed schools are accredited and have financial aid assistance for students who qualify.

What does a veterinary technician do? “In the front office of the clinic, vet tech duties include greeting patients, answering phones, scheduling appointments, preparing invoices, following up with clients, and keeping a tidy waiting room. It is also a part of a veterinary technician’s job to restock supplies, label patient medications, discharge patients, and maintain their records.

“Under the supervision of a licensed veterinarian, veterinary technicians ensure their animal patients receive the proper care and attention by assisting with medical procedures. Veterinary technicians can work in a multitude of work environments, including clinics, hospitals, rescue shelters and zoos.”

Most states require veterinary technicians to be licensed, certified, or registered before being hired. Depending on the state in which you reside and the office you wish to work for, requirements will vary. The Veterinary Technician National Examination is the most common certification exam and is available for completion once you graduate from a veterinary technology program.
