Find accredited online athletic trainer programs, sports medicine and physical therapist degree programs at medical trade colleges and vocational technical schools near you. Use the search application to connect with a school.
Trade Schools with Online Programs
(not all listed schools have athletic trainer courses, use the search application for quick results)
- Carrington College
- Daymar College
- Fremont College
- St. Leo University
- Southern Careers Institute
- College of Westchester
Accelerated, weekend class and hybrid (classroom/online) medical course options are available at some schools.
“Sports medicine doctors work with a team of other professionals such as coaches and athletic trainers to address specific conditions and ways to improve them. Informing superiors and those involved in sports-related injuries benefits both the team and the player, as warning signs and symptoms will become more prominent in noticing. Sports medicine doctors are licensed to prescribe medication when necessary, as well.”
More reading: Medical & Healthcare Careers Guide