Marine Mechanic Programs

Find accredited marine mechanic certification training programs (small engine repair) at trade schools and technical colleges near you. Find a school with specialized technology training available like: watercraft, learn to diagnose, repair and overhaul speedboat, pontoon, jet-ski, outboard motor and more.

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What does a marine mechanic do?

It’s a marine mechanic’s job to make sure all types of water crafts are working optimally. A day in your life, should you become a marine mechanic, would look a little something like this:

  • Work on boats and other water vehicles.
  • Discuss with the customer the work that is needing to be done.
  • Perform all the typical routine maintenance.[read more]”

Schools with Marine Mechanic Training

The median salary for boat mechanics is $39K. What that actually means is that half of the occupation makes more, while half makes less. However, where you work, which state you’re in, and how much experience you have will be the determining factors around what your salary will look like.“[ref]

The schools listed here are accredited and have online programs, some evening and weekend classes, financial aid assistance for those who qualify and job placement services too.
