Find an accredited cosmetology college or beauty school in New Jersey with cosmetology license training classes and beauty degree courses. Available NJ programs include cosmetologist, barber, hair-stylist, nail technician and others.
Cosmetology minimum prerequisites: 16-18 years old with a high school diploma or GED, and the passing of the cosmetology state board after completion of cosmetology school.
New Jersey cosmetology license requirements:
- Cosmetologist- 1200 hours
- Electrologist- 600 hours
- Manicurist- 300 hours
- Skin Care Specialist- 600 hours
- Instructor- 600 hours
New Jersey Schools with Cosmetology Training
All listed New Jersey colleges are accredited and offer financial aid assistance to those who qualify.
“Beauty school cost estimates; tuition costs anywhere between $5,000-$22,000. Cosmetology school textbooks run between $2,000-$3,000. – BLS