Find an accredited local medical trade school or online technical college offering surgical technologist certificate training classes or associate’s degree programs. Use the search application to connect with a school near you.
Colleges with Surgical Technology Programs
Listed colleges are all accredited and offer financial aid assistance to those who qualify.
- Southern Technical College
- Miller Motte College
- McCann School of Business & Technology
- Carrington College
- Northwestern College
- Fortis Institute
- Remington College
- College of Healthcare Professionals
- South College
Accelerated, weekend class and hybrid (classroom/online) medical assistant certificate program options are available at some schools.
About Surgical Technology Courses – “Programs can take up to two years to complete depending on the type and number of classes you decide to enroll in. Most programs provide the ability to earn an associate’s degree alongside your surgical technician certificate. Schools also require that potential candidates have previously received a high school diploma or its equivalent before the application can be processed.”[ref]
What Do Surgical Tech’s Do? – “Surgical technologists work in the operating room – manipulating and operating the sterilizers, lights, suction machines and diagnostic equipment… Providing the doctors and surgical team with all they need like sterile instruments, gowns, and gloves.”[ref]