Find accredited phlebotomy technician certification training classes or associate degree programs at a medical trade school near you. During a phlebotomy tech program you’ll learn things like medical terminology, CPR, first aid, anatomy, physiology, and a lot more.
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Schools with Phlebotomy Technician Programs
All listed colleges are accredited and offer financial aid assistance to students who qualify.
- Arizona College
- Brookline College
- Florida National University
- Northeast Technical Institute
- Central Texas Allied Health Institute
All schools are not listed here, use the search application to search your local options.
Phlebotomy Technician Job Description: “Phlebotomy technicians also record patient data and enter it into computer systems. Other responsibilities include performing basic phlebotomy procedures, evaluating patients for the ability to withstand a venipuncture procedure, explaining such procedures, performing basic point of care testing, such as blood glucose tests, and preparing blood, urine, and other body fluid specimens for testing according to established government standards.[ref] – Phlebotomy Technician Job Description
Phlebotomist Salary Info: The median yearly salary for phlebotomists was $35,510 in May 2019. The bottom 10% earned about $26,000, and the top 10% made close to $49,750.(BLS)