Find local trade schools and and online colleges with accredited liberal arts and general studies degree programs. Programs in this category include psychology, economics, international relations, linguistics, political science and others.
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All Liberal Arts & Humanities Programs
- Liberal Arts
- Economics
- International Relations
- Philosophy
- Psychology
- Sociology
Schools with Liberal Arts & Humanities
- Columbia Southern University (online)
- Waldorf University (online)
- Keiser University (classroom and online)
- Sullivan University (classroom and online)
The schools listed here are accredited and their accreditation is listed on each school page. The schools listed also have financial aid assistance for those who qualify and many have job placement services too.
“Liberal arts is a structured blend of:
- Arts
- Social studies
- Science
- Humanities
“A major in humanities focuses more greatly on languages, literature, art, music, philosophy, and religion. General studies, depending on your school, has a curriculum designed to combine arts, science, and humanities. Or, as long as you follow the established guideline, you can pick and choose your own curriculum.”[ref]
Successful People Who Have a Degree in Liberal Arts – “More than just leading powerhouse companies, Ma, along with former CEO of Starbucks Howard Schultz, former CEO of Walt Disney Company Michael Eisner, and Whole Foods’ CEO John Mackey have something in common: They all have finished or were on the road to getting their liberal arts degree. And it had nothing but a positive impact on their collective successes.”[ref]