Electrical Engineering Degree

Find accredited electrical engineering degree courses at local trade schools and online technical colleges. Electrical engineering is one of the top paying trade school careers. Online, accelerated and hybrid (classroom/online) class options are available at some schools.

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Colleges with Electrical Engineering Programs

All listed colleges are accredited and offer financial aid assistance to those who qualify.

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“As an electrical engineer, you’ll re-design old and develop new electrical powered products. Calculate and set all the standards and specifications, along with the development, construction, and installation of said products. Nikola Tesla (wanted to use Niagara Falls to power up the world), Ray Dolby (Dolby sound), Lee DeForest (father of the radio), and Westinghouse (held numerous patents), David Packard (co-founder of Hewlett-Packard), and Thomas Edison (the inventor of the light bulb and electricity) are just a smattering of famous electrical engineers. To join the ranks of these pioneers, you must have a deep understanding of electronics. You’ll be dealing with large-scale products to the most miniscule nano-product, all powered electronically.”[ref]
