Find an accredited barber license training program at a local trade school or cosmetology college near you. Fill out the search application to find your local options.
“What does a barber do? Barbers work mostly on male clients but may have a few females coming to them, as well. They not only cut hair, but they also groom beards, give facials, and fit hairpieces. Barbers enjoy a fairly recession-proof career, because no matter what the economy is doing, clients set aside money to spend on their grooming.”
Colleges with Barber/Cosmetology License Training
All listed colleges are accredited and offer financial aid assistance to those who qualify.
- Jolie Hair & Beauty Academy
- Health and Style Institute
- Blake Austin
- Branford Academy
- Remington College
- Delta Technical College
- Southern Careers Institute
- Empire Cosmetology Schools
- Elevate Salon Institute
- Avalon School of Cosmetology
“Every state has its particular set of licensing requirements for cosmetology. Most states set the minimum prerequisites at 16-18 years old with a high school diploma or GED, and the passing of the cosmetology state board after completion of cosmetology school. Again, each state is different in its expectations for cosmetology.” – Find all licensing requirements by state.
All colleges are not listed here, use the search application to find your local options.