Administrative Assistant Programs

Find accredited colleges and online technical schools with administrative assistant programs. Learn skills like computer OS, word processing, spreadsheets, database apps, graphics and other software. Also learn to use Microsoft Products in order to get certification.

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Colleges with Administrative Assistant Programs

All listed colleges are accredited and offer financial aid assistance to those who qualify.

All schools are not listed here, use the search application to find your local options.

Becoming an administrative assistant doesn’t require years of school or training. If you took computer courses in high school, you already come equipped with much of the basics needed for an administrative assistant.

  • Graduate high school or get your GED.
  • Consider attending a community college or trade school. However, to get an entry-level position, schooling is not a requirement.
  • Many administrative assistants get their training directly on the job.
  • It can take a few weeks to a few months to learn the ropes
  • read more
